We are a Unified Body

Biblical unity its essential. Hours before the cross, Jesus prayed for all believers to be united with each other and in him. We believe unity reflects God’s character and is possible through his Spirit. Though we have strongly held doctrinal positions, we differentiate between essential and non-essential beliefs. We defend the essential and practice liberty in the non-essential. We aim to be Spirit led and doctrinally sound in both our position and approach. Our diversity in gifts, backgrounds, and preferences can be opportunities for mutual submission for all involved and a catalyst for us to fully see and experience God rather than barriers to being in community together. Prioritizing spiritual relationships also affects the way we resolve conflict. We expect all who join our body to prioritize and pursue the biblical model for forgiveness and reconciliation. We believe this is unusual and the key to reaching the world around us. Biblical unity doesn’t mean we avoid engaging culture or the world around us. Rather, we pursue relational peace as far as it depends on us, while also steadfastly speaking Biblical truth in love. Jesus loves people and we see him in the way that we love each other. We believe that Christian “community” is more than just being in the same place or even pursuing the same things. We believe that unity is the fruit of his spirit working in us as we abide. His Spirit calls us to reflect his image, to go deeper in relationship with him and each other, to love satirically, to forgive, and to pursue.

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